Monday 28 October 2013

Omoni Oboli & Hubby Celebrate 13th Wedding Anniversary! Says She Couldn't Have Asked For A Better Man

Wow! Love still going strong. The actress and her hubby are celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary today. And here's Omoni's anniversary words;

"Celebrating 13 years of love. Counting my blessings... I might not have what others have but I have the most amazing man! Yes I said it! The most AMAZING!!! A girl could not have asked for a better man. My best friend, my lover, my champion, my biggest fan, my voltron, my baby daddy, the wind beneath my wings!!! I love you with all my being. I have a blessed marriage, Jesus is in my marriage, I wanna shout it from the roof top...I'm at work though but all is good, we are celebrating tonight.#13thanniversary."

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