Monday 28 October 2013

Chris Brown Has Once Again Been Charged With Assault.

Massive farthead Chris Brown has once again been charged with assault, for what seems like the kajillionth time. The rapper, who believes a punch should only be remembered as long as the bruise, was arrested with his bodyguard on Sunday after punching someone he suspected might be a homosexual.
According to police reports, Brown was having his photo taken with a female fan at around 4.30 am in Washington DC when the victim, Isaac Adams Parker, attempted to get in the picture, whereupon Brown gave him a right hard bonk on the conk, saying:
"I'm not into this gay shit, I'm into boxing."
At this point, realising he was potentially being put out of a job, Brown’s 6 foot 5, 240 pound bodyguard then also gave Parker a smack in the chops before pulling Brown back to his tourbus.
Brown, who’s currently on probation for hitting his ex-girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009, has now managed to clock up two separate counts of assault this year, the first being a hit and run back in August that left Brown with 1000 hours of community service and an unusually strong sense of entitlement. What a cock he is.

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