Tuesday 29 October 2013

Jealous boyfriend tried to fill new girlfriend's eyes and ears with Polyfilla

An 'insanely jealous' boyfriend tried to fill his new girlfriend’s eyes and ears with Polyfilla in a week of sickening abuse.
Levi Mason, 24, beat Jamie Gorman, his partner of just three months, with a broom and pressed a nine-inch knife against her thigh.
He also threatened to pour acid over her face so that 'no-one else would ever want to get with her'.
Mason, whose conduct was described by a judge as 'almost unbelievable', pressed his fingers against Miss Gorman’s windpipe and twice smothered the mum-of-one with a pillow, telling her: 'It’s horrible when you’ve got no control. Are you hot and bothered?'
The thug was jailed for four years yesterday at Liverpool Crown Court.
On handing out the sentence Judge Clement Goldstone, QC, the Recorder of Liverpool, told him: 'The physical injuries which were inflicted to Miss Gorman may not have been severe, but the mental anguish which you caused her cannot be imagined.
'The way in which you behaved during the course of that week defies humanity.'
He added: 'You are a controlling bully and you used your size to instill fear into this woman.'

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