Sunday 24 November 2013

Christians: Do You Believe in Speaking in Tongues?

Firstly, I am one of the Christians who do not subscribe to speaking in tongues anytime anyhow.

No I do not believe it when a man of God or a prayer warrior opens his mouth and says; “Let’s speak in tongues”

And immediately the whole congregation breaks into it. I will stand there and shake my head in disbelief!

I was watching metro TV recently when a man of God was on the TGIF show saying, he is a longstanding man of God but he gets uncomfortable when people speak tongues into a speaker and there is nobody to translate.

For him, it must be translated by somebody otherwise it is controversial. Well, that’s his special opinion too which many people will argue and counter.

Now let’s talk about my own experience with churches who literally force you to speak in tongues or feel like a devil. I call it the great deception.

One fine Sunday I followed a Nigerian friend to his church that he had been inviting me to for awhile. I will leave out the name of the church but believe me, it is a very popular church. My experience with many charismatic churches has been varied but this particularly pertains to speaking in tongues.

I loved their praise and worship, sermon and everything else was just really good. So good I made a mental note to go back. Then came the end of the service when they asked new members to stand up. I did…

Then after some formalities, they asked us to meet a team in the back of the church. I again followed. They registered us for several classes during the week, spoke to us about being faithful to the church, and then explained why we need to speak in tongues.

They said sometimes, we may need to pray about specific situations which we are physically unaware of so God permits our spirit to pray. And our spirit prays about these things in tongues. So our spirit directly speaks to God on our behalf and for unseen things which we do need but we do not know. Hmmph! Lovely explanation.

It made much sense to me. But after this explanation we were all told to start praying. We prayed for very long and everybody started praying in tongues. The leader of the group kept shouting; “speak in tongues! Speak in tongues!” so everybody, both new and old started speaking in tongues.

Ei Jesus, my tongue did not bring forth this strange language. So they noticed it and assigned me 3 prayer warriors-a woman and two young men. They laid their hands on me and prayed in heavy tongues. Then they said I should open my mouth and speak. “Speak sister, it is in you, do not refuse to let it out, you are blocking it. Open your mouth and let it come out!”

All this while, I was utterly confused. I swear to you Jesus did not give me any tongues that day. Maybe I know the wrong Jesus? Because everybody else in the church spoke in tongues that day. Finally, they got tired of waiting for me to speak in tongues and let me go.

I run home, never to go back. And since then, regardless of the explanations and observations, my faith in tongues has been seriously weakened.

What’s your experience with tongues? Do you speak it, how and why? Do you believe in it?

EXPOSED: Reps Member Dies During Séx With Female Banker In Abuja

Hon. Raphael Oloye Nomiye, who's representing Ondo State in the House of Reps, was said to be having his turn of "service" with his female Account Officer in his bedroom when something happened...

Top security sources said he was having a sexual affair with a female banker in his private residence located at Gwarinpa Estate in Abuja when the unfortunate incident happened.

When Daily Trust visited the deceased’s residence at Second Avenue in Gwarinpa Estate, neighbours said the banker, who managed his accounts, rushed down from the one-storey building to inform the policemen on guard at the house that “oga just fell down and is vomiting blood.”

They said when the policemen entered into his room upstairs, they found him laying on the floor with a towel tied round his waist, while he bled from the mouth. He was then quickly taken to a private clinic on 3rd Avenue within the estate in his official Toyota Camry 2012 car.

It was further learnt that doctors at clinic declined to attend to him, saying it was a “serious” matter, he was then rushed to the National Hospital, Abuja, where the doctors on duty later pronounced him dead.

Police sources disclosed that the female banker who was "servicing" him, is now in police custody at Gwarinpa Police Station, Abuja.

She had denied having sexual affair with the lawmaker before his death. But she has now changed her story after doctors at the National Hospital conducted an examination on the corpse, which confirmed that the late federal lawmaker, Hon Nomiye, had slept with a woman shortly before his demise.

After the test result came out, the banker (name withheld) admitted to Police interrogators that she had actually slept with him and had helped him to clean up, following which he went into the bathroom, where he suddenly fell and began to vomit blood.

Police investigators who inspected the lawmaker’s house had succeeded in recovering some items, including a bottle of water, which the deceased lawmaker had drank from, some tissue papers and the clothes the man had worn earlier in the day.

When Daily Trust visited the banker’s private residence located at Kado Estate in Abuja, two of her friends, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said she and Hon Nomiye were friends.

Investigation revealed that although late Nomiye was married, his wife and kids do not live with him in Abuja.

TERRIBLE: Why I Sold My 9-Year-Old Son For N10 Million – Suspect Confesses

A Niger State magistrate court sitting in Minna, the state capital, has sentenced one Isah Aliyu to five years imprisonment for intending to sell his 9-year-old child for N10m.

The 30-year-old man attributed his action to poverty.

The incident occurred on November 15 when the buyer, one Mallam Magaji, agreed to buy the child for N7 million.
But the buyer promised to pay half of the money and balance at a later date. The father of the child was said to have refused because of his desperation to collect the N7 million at once.

After the negotiation, the father agreed to the half payment but, instead of bringing the money, the buyer headed for the police station to report the deal.

The police then followed Magaji to the meeting place and arrested Aliyu who was still waiting for the money so that he could hand over his son. Aliyu was charged to court under the clause prohibiting selling of child in the Niger State Child’s Right Act.

Aliyu pleaded guilty and was summarily sentenced to five years imprisonment by Chief Magistrate Hassan Mohammed.

When asked why he intended to sell his son, the convict said, “The poverty in the country is biting and things are difficult for me and my family. I felt since the boy was under my custody and he is my son, I could sell him and use the money to cater for the rest of the family.”

The Chief Magistrate described his reason as inhuman, adding that poverty was not a strong reason for the father to sell his son.

He sentenced Aliyu to five years imprisonment without option of fine.

- See more at:

His Marathon Sex Sometimes Makes Me Faint -Wife Tells Court •It Can’t Kill Her -

A 45-year-old trader, Muina Adelami, has asked a Lagos family court in Lagos State to dissolve  her  eight-year-old  marriage to her husband, Shuaib, a clerical officer, on the ground that his sex drive was high.

“I  have managed to stay this long  in the marriage  because I thought his libido would  go down but that has not been the case.
“In the eight years of our marriage, we only have a child, I had two miscarriages  as a result of  excessive sex.’’

She informed the court further that her husband liked sex too much and gave  her no breathing space.

“We start having sex every night just before midnight  and this goes on till the early hours of the next day.  Many times, immediately  after he comes back  from work, he starts demanding for sex.

‘’He  will refuse to stand up even when I am crying and will start beating me whenever I complain.

“There were times I did  faint, but when I came around, he would start again.

“The way he’s going, he will kill me. I now look older than my age mates due to too much sex,” she said.

In his defence, Shuaib admitted to having a high sex drive, but added that it was his right to made love with his wife.

“I was advised to marry a younger wife but I cannot afford that, that is why I take care of her and give her everything she wants.

“I have been trying to change her mind on the issue of divorce, but she is adamant. I love her and would not want to divorce her. I also know that sex can’t kill her,” he said.

The case was adjourned till December 4. 

Breaking News: House of Reps Member Slumps and Dies in FCT

A member of the House of Representatives, representing Ilaje/Ese-Odo Federal Constituency of Ondo State, Hon. Raphael Nomiye, is dead.
Hon. Nomiye, popularly called Groovy, slumped and died at his residence at Gwarimpa estate, Abuja, in the early hours of November 23, 2013, Saturday.

The Police Public Relations Officer, FCT Command, Mrs. Hyelhira Altine Daniel, who confirmed the incidence, said the command is still investigating the cause of his death.

Peter Okoye Spotted Without Wedding Ring In Tanzania, After Skipping Honeymoon

Newly wed Peter Okoye who is in Tanzania for a tour, was spotted without his wedding ring during his visit to less privileged with physically
challenged home.

Peter who just got married to Lola Omotayo less than a week also skipped his honeymoon to go on
tour in Tanzania..

Is this a bad sign? Spotted without wedding ring in less than one week of marriage..

He should be wearing his wedding ring no matter what, despite the fact that he just got married..

Traditional wedding or church wedding, you're expected to wear your wedding ring as long as you're married..

I just hope all is well!

Actress Uche Ogbodo Secretly Marries A Married Man With Two Kids (photos)

It's so unbelievable but it's actually true as indisputable sources have disclosed that Nollywood actress, Uche Ogbodo has just hooked up a man in holy matrimony.

We learnt that she got married on Wednesday October 2, 2013 in a mini traditional marriage, where her Norway based lover, Arthur completed her dowry payment in her father's compound in Enugu State.
See more picz after the cut....

Nfc gathered that Uche, who has had series of attacked over the years from different angles due to her past was said to have kept her liaison with the Norway lover closely guarded to her heart a family.

The actress chose the clandestine style of wedding, according to sources to avoid a repetition of her first bitter experience, that occurred when her first marriage to a Holland based dude called, Cross crashed half way into it. After that ugly experience in her life, she became so heartbroken and has since become so secretive about who is she is dating.

Maybe she will invite all of us to her white wedding, and there no pictures because she did it under-cover.

Congratulation to the delectable actress

Tonto Dikeh Shows Off Her Diamond iPhone5s + 18k Yellow Gold Rolex.

Last month she flaunted her  gold plated iphone, now it's an upgraded iPhone5s, Diamond limited edition.
She couldn't help but share the photos on Instagram.
 She is living the life.
See more picz after the cut....


Saturday 23 November 2013

Pictures: YemKem Factory Completely Destroys by Fire

News reaching us right now is that Leading manufacturing company of herbal products,Yem-kem has just suffered a massive loss as its factory,located in Bada,Ayobo area of Lagos has just been burnt down to ashes in a fire explosion that started sometime around 6:30 pm yesterday

According to workers, the fire reportedly started when a drum full of ethanol, exploded. The company had taken delivery of 520 tanks of ethanol today.

The YemKem Office, two other houses and a local primary school (Liberty Primary School) got burnt. Fortunately, no life was reported lost.
See more picz after the cut...


Armed Bandits Raid UNICAL Students Hostel, Rape Virgin Female Student To Coma!

Armed bandits molested a 17 year-old female student of the University of Calabar ( name withheld) to a state of coma. The robbers raided the hostel she and several other colleagues are living on Tuesday night in Calabar. Vanguard reports that the robbers, according to a fair complexioned male student who gave his name as Ngoli, attacked the hostel located at Mount Zion Road/ Inyang Edem Street at about 2am and molested all the female students and carted away all their laptops and cell phones.

 “They started by firing warning shots into the air to warn us that they came for serious business and thereafter went from room to room battering everybody and molesting the female students one after the other”. He said the girl that went into coma was still a virgin and that made all the robbers want to have a taste of her. “The first one to pounce on her announced to the rest that she was still a virgin and that made everyone of them go after her and in the process she bled seriously yet they would not allow her go”.

What a shame! Those "robbers" will most likely be students

“I’m Not In A Relationship With Vector” – Sheyi Shay

During an interview with Punch Ademola Olonilua , singer Sheyi Shay tells it all about her style and fashion;

Would you rather wear weaves or your natural hair?

Personally, I would opt for a weave. I would rather rock a weave because it is more versatile than my natural hair. There are so many hair styles I can do with a weave that I cannot do with my natural hair. I think a person can do more styles with a weave.

Do you have a favourite hairstyle?

I prefer the chin length or short cut. I feel a lot comfortable in these hairstyles. It also depends on what I am doing at the moment. Some shoots tend to dictate what I would look like for a period of time but basically, I like chin length or short cut.

How long does it usually take you to make your hair?

Well, most times it usually depends on the style. On an average I would say it takes about two hours to make my hair.

Why is it that recently, more women are cutting their hair or going for short hairdo?

I think lately more women are cutting their hair or going shorter because they are becoming more confident with their femininity and it is also a brave fashion statement.

Can you for any reason shave your hair and be comfortable with it?

I could never shave my head. I would not feel comfortable and I am not that confident.

Can we ever catch you without make-up?

I prefer looking natural. It feels so good to be natural. Also, it’s nice to let your skin breathe but because of the nature of my business, I have to put on make-up sometimes.

Would you rather buy a Nigerian designer’s cloth or a foreign designer’s?

In my view, I think Nigerian designers are doing a great job. There are a lot of creative Nigerian designers. These days, I find myself buying and wearing more of Nigerian designers. I think it is amazing to support our own. I always wear Nigerian designers. I prefer our creativity and uniqueness.

Is there really a difference between fashion and style?

Fashion is what everyone follows. Style is more personal. Fashion trends come and go but a person’s style sticks except when he or she wants to try something new, something different.

What influences your fashion trend?

I really love classic pieces. I most especially love styles from the 20’s, 40’s, 80’s. Also, the French vogue is one of my favourites.

What is that fashion item you can’t leave home without?

I must always have a pair of heels in my car. Heels change your posture and you can wear them with everything. They come in very handy.

Apparently, shoes must be your weakness…

Without thinking twice I would say I love shoes. That is my fashion weakness. I own so many perfumes and countless pairs of shoes and some more I would never wear again but can’t let go of.

How much did your most expensive heels cost?

My most expensive heels cost a lot.

How is it competing with men in the industry?

There are more men in the industry than the women and the men get to experiment more. We women have to be very careful the way we portray ourselves because of our culture.  Being in a predominantly male industry is hard. As a female, I need to work harder everything including shows. But I never really get intimidated. I respect everyone’s workmanship and I learn also.

Would you say the industry is fair to female artistes?

The industry should give female artistes more shows and more money for their workmanship. That said, I actually think it is getting better.

Don’t you think your celebrity status scare men away from you?

It’s a double edge sword. I get people just sending me messages that they love me. I appreciate all the love from the fans; their support keep me going.

Are you in a relationship with the rap artiste Vector?

No. We are not in a relationship.

So where did the rumours come from?

I’m not in a relationship with Vector. The rumour may have come from our performance together at this year’s Felabration. We ended our set with a friendly hug and people thought there was something more.

Do you find him at least attractive especially his fashion side?

I think he has a nice dress sense. I’m not attracted to him.

What fashion item do you admire on a man?

I admire men who wear good shoes and a well tailored suit.

What is your take on cleavage exposure and ladies wearing skimpy dresses?

My advice is that you should just make sure you wear it and it does not wear you. Think about that for a minute. People should admire the dress on you and not the other way round or people admiring only the dress.

How do you maintain your voice?

I make a conscious effort not to shout. Also, I drink a lot of water and I sing everyday as a form of voice exercise.

Who shopped for you when you were growing up?

My mother did all the shopping for me when I was growing. She rarely got my taste though.

Why did you leave the UK for Nigeria to start music?

The challenge attracted me. The fertility in the industry was and is more promising than anywhere else in the world right now.

People are of the opinion that you are copying the likes of Beyonce and Tiwa Savage, what do you have to say to that?

They are both very different so who exactly am I copying? The whole world is influenced by Beyonce. So that’s unfair. Beyonce is an inspiration to us all.

What are you currently working on?

I am working on my Ragga Ragga video, my album and further build the Seyi Shay brand.

When performing during shows, how do you come up with the costumes you use?

My stylist and I usually talk about style and image before every event.

What are the gains and pains of being famous?

The gains and pains include people appreciating my work in different ways, travelling round the world and doing what I love. On the other side, it is a very lonely journey and many sacrifices are made to get to the desired destination.

Would you say you stand-out with your fashion sense compared to other ladies in the industry?

I hope I stand out with my fashion sense. What would you say?

When stepping out for an event, what are the things you consider?

I try to avoid being over dressed for any event.  I always take a last look in the mirror and then, take off an accessory.

How did this whole music thing start?

Music, singing, performing for me started back in the UK, when I was part of my school gospel choir.

How were you able to adapt when you came back to Nigeria?

Settling back in the country was really a piece of cake. I have lived here before and my mother brought me to Lagos every year since I was two years old. I am home and there is no place like it.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

University of Oxford Study Says Women With Big Buttocks Are Smarter & Healthier

Scientists at the University of Oxford have uncovered evidence that women with big butts are not only the most intelligent, but also the most resistant to chronic illnesses.

The study examined the fat accumulated in different parts of a woman’s body, and found that women with  phat buttocks were less likely to get diabetes, since they are more likely to produce hormones to metabolize sugar.
What’s more, women with big booties tended to have lower levels of cholesterol and fewer heart problems, according to the study.

This simply means that my co- women with a big butt, wide hips and a narrow waist can live longer, and even be more intelligent, since the Omega 3 fats stored in our butts support brain development.

Do you agree with this research?...If you disagree,God is watching you

*If you have phat yansh and hips.biko start rejoicing,this is one of the times you should feel good about having extra luggage behind

Nokia to add Bluetooth 4.0 to all Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices

The upcoming Black update will introduce Bluetooth 4.0 to all remaining Windows Phone 8 Lumia hardware, as well as the Glance always-on screen tech, and RAW camera support for the Lumia 1020 and 1520.

Bluetooth 4.0 allows users to sync their tablet or smartphone with another device without consuming as much battery power as a standard Bluetooth connection demands.

The technology is widely used by fitness accessories, such as heart monitors and some smartwatches.

Nokia is yet to announce when the Black update will be distributed.

Top 3 Party Goers In Nigeria: Karen Igho, Uti and Susan Peters (Agree?)

They are undoubtedly the top red-carpet celebs in the country, with Karen at the top wonder what their real work is?

Meet The Sexiest Man Alive in 2013: Adam Levine

People Magazine has declared Adam Levine the Sexiest Man Alive. The singer was informed over the phone, but said he was shocked and it sounded unbelievable. "I don't believe you, it would be a lot of things. It's an interesting idea. I don't know" he said. Adam Levine is the lead singer of Maroon 5 and a coach on NBC’s series The Voice.

list of countries qualified for FIFA 2014 World Cup in Brazil

Tuesday’s saw six nations book their places in World Cup 2014, and with Mexico claiming one of the last spots with their Wednesday win in New Zealand, 31 of 32 places are settled ahead of today’s kickoff in Montevideo. That’s where the final spot in Brazil 2014 will be decided, with 2010 semifinalists Uruguay holding a 5-0 edge on Jordan after one leg of their intercontinental playoff.

Yesterday, Europe handed out their final four invitations, with Croatia, France, Greece and Portugal booking their spots in next summer’s field. Earlier in the day, Africa had completed their qualifying process, too, with Algeria and Ghana earning return trips to the World Cup.

Qualified nations out of AFRICA
Ivory Coast

Here is the full, updated list of nations that have booked their place in Brazil 2014:

Qualified nations out of EUROPE

Qualified nations out of CONCACAF (North and Central America)

Costa Rica
United States
Qualified nations out of SOUTH AMERICA

Brazil (hosts)
Spots still to be filled: 1 **

Qualified nations out of ASIA

South Korea

** Uruguay is well in command of its home-and-away series against Jordan, which is from the Asian confederation

Nelson Mandela’s Granddaughter "New Book" Talks Of Being Sexually Abused

The granddaughter of Nelson Mandela tells of the heartache at the death of her 13-year-old daughter in a car crash in June 2010 as well as her decade-long battle with addiction to drugs and alcohol and being diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Photo: Getty Images

Zoleka Mandela, granddaughter of Mandela says she was sexually abused as a child.

In her autobiography, ‘When Hope whispers’ released on Monday, November 11, 2013, she narrates how she was sexually abused as a child, how her children died and accused her family of neglect.

‘From the time I was barely eight years old to the age of 14, I had been sexually abused by some of the adults who should have been looking after me. ‘For years I blamed her (her mother Zindzi Mandela) for the physical and sexual abuse I was subjected to as a child. My feeling was that if she had been there for me, she could have prevented it and I could have been protected. I have come to realise she probably did the best she could’, 33year-old Zoleka wrote in her book.

She details her personal frustration at losing her children and battling with cancer. ‘I felt like I was in a horror film, and I was finding it impossible to even comprehend. I’d had Zenani and Zenawe taken from me, and now there was the sudden reality that I may never again breast-feed or carry another pregnancy’.

Zoleke, a breast cancer survivor and road safety activist hopes that her life will inspire people to follow many of their dreams despite life’s expected flows.

Spiritualist Rapes, Impregnates Woman In The Name Of Deliverance.

An herbalist, Ifatade Elegbeleye has been arrested and charged before an Ojokoro Magistrates’ Court, Lagos, Nigeria for allegedly defrauding a woman seeking a husband. Although this is not the first time such is happening but this case took another dimension

He supposedly swindled her of N2m and raped her at his shrine.

The 31-year old professional, Temidayo Akinwale, who is now with child, met her fate when she contacted the herbalist to help her from strange spirits that prevented her from getting a husband.

The incident happened at Elegbeyele’s shrine established at Ayobo street in Ayobo-Ipaja local area.

The accused was arraigned on a six-count ascribe of fraud, stealing and having sex under false pretences.

Elegbeleye who is chilling his heels in jail custody, according to the policeman, lured his victim to a shrine and notified her that he needed to do some rituals to help her from religious husband that stopped her from getting a husband.

The 65-year old victim’s mother, Mrs Mary Akinwale, while testifying before the court, narrated how the accused lured her daughter to his shrine, raped and impregnated her.

The distraught mother notified the court that Elegbeleye prophesied to her daughter that she was owned by a  spiritual husband that would avert her from getting married and asked her to pay some amount of cash for religious cleansing.

She said that her daughter who was aghast of the prophesy, paid the cash and was taking to a river in the midnight at Ipaja locality, where she was bathed with religious lather, supplementing that after the bath, she still could not get a husband.

She testified that the accussed asked for her daughter again to his shrine and raped her, supplementing that she is now with child.

In his answer, Elegeleye told the court that he really delivered her of a religious husband, adding that he did not collect the cash she accused him of collecting.

He said he has been doing religious deliverance for years and have liberated numerous persons.

When asked to commentary on the allegations of rape and pregnancy, he declined to talk.

The presiding Magistrate, Mrs O.A. Layinka granted him bail in the addition of N200,000 with two sureties in  addition.

He was remanded in jail custody at Kirikiri pending the fulfilment of the bail status.

The issue was adjourned till 21 December for continuation of trial.

Student To Die By Hanging For Stealing Mobile Phone & Recharge Cards

 According to a report by Thisday, a High Court in Effurun, Delta State, has sentenced a 24-year-old secondary school student, Moses Akatugba, to death by hanging for stealing mobile phones and  recharge cards. Read the report below and tell us if you think the sentence is appropriate or too harsh

    "Akatugba was convicted on a two-count charge of conspiracy and armed robbery in contravention of Section 6 (b) and punishable under section 1 (2) (a) of the Robbery and Firearms  (Special Provisions) Act Cap R11 Volume 14 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

    The prosecution told the court that the convict with others now at large “robbed one Mrs. Akpor Mazino of the sum of N113,930, three phone handsets, 54 various denominations of MTN recharge vouchers, 28 Airtel vouchers and 25 Glo vouchers valued at over N100,000 at No. 30 NNPC Housing Complex Road,

The victim in her evidence gave a vivid account of how she was robbed of the items at her shop at gunpoint.

An Asaba High Court also yesterday sentenced a 30-year-old commercial motorcyclist, Paul Nwanegbo to 15 years imprisonment with hard labour for robbing a female passenger of her telephone handset. The incident, according to prosecution took place along Direct Labour Agency Road, Asaba, on October 5, 2011 before the ban on operation of commercial motorcyclists in Asaba metropolis and other designated cities.

The female passenger, Amaka Okafor told the court that on “realising the gun was a toy, I resisted him but he overpowered me after biting me with his teeth and snatched my phone from me.”

Kim K's lil sis Kendall Jenner shows off "oranges" in risqué photoshoot - Photos

Now that she's come of age (she turned 18 November 3rd) Kim Kardashian's little sister, Kendall Jenner is letting nothing stop her. The model released this photo yesterday which shows her exposing her breasts under a sheer black jumper in her latest shoot with famed Australian photographer Russell James.

Fashola Has Banned Skating On Expressway.

“They cannot skate on the highways. It is a violation of the traffic law 2010. I implore all parents to call their children and their wards to order because any child found skating on the highway will be arrested and will be brought to justice. It must stop today. Skating on the highways has to stop now. The danger is too much and it is the responsibility of the government to safe lives,”

On skating, Fashola said he noticed that the youths had also taken to skating because the road is safe, saying government was not going to discourage them but that they should do that in designated places like recreation centres, stadia and others.

On the position of the government concerning road development in FESTAC Town, Fashola explained that the state government was having an issue with the Federal government, pointing out that the taxes and land charges being collected by the FHA were being sent to Abuja.

“I have said that the Federal Housing Authority is an anathema to the current constitution. The Federal Government does not own land, so, I don’t see how it can have a housing authority. But it was created during the military and now that we are in a civilian dispensation, as I made a case on Saturday when we were in Sokoto, this is one of the laws that the National Assembly should simply amend or repeal to bring them in conformity with the current dispensation,” he said.

On LASTMA, the governor pointed out that its primary responsibility was to keep the state traffic moving, stressing that “this is the reason why the agency exists. Arresting traffic offenders is secondary. If making an arrest will increase the traffic, let the offenders go. I say this not because I don’t want law breakers to be apprehended and brought to justice. But law breakers cannot undermine our main objective.

“The longer people stay more in traffic, the more money is wasted and fuel are burnt and when people stay more in traffic, this leads to increase in the price of goods in the state. But with a moving traffic, price of goods will be stable.”

Fashola explained that the challenge of managing traffic in Lagos State necessitated the need for the meeting with the Special Traffic Mayors, while stressing the need to pay attention to road safety measures for the betterment of all.

“Over the last few days, we have begun to experience traffic gridlock within the state. There are couples of factors that we all must be aware. We promised to address inner roads and at the moment we have commenced work on 200 inner roads in the state. It shouldn’t be surprising that the construction is causing traffic in the state because these are areas where people are already living especially on Joel Ogunnaike, Kodesho and others.

“The access to those roads will definitely be impaired. That is part of the problem. Also, we are getting closer to the Christmas and New Year. At this time, there is heavy movement of people at the same time on the road,” he explained.

Pastor’s Wife Arrested In Lagos For Hot Water Attack On Sister: Angela Uzoma Jai

A wicked woman has been arrested in Lagos for a gruesome hot water attack on her own sister.

According to Lagos Police officials, Mrs Angela Uzoma, a 28-year-old wife of a Pastor is cooling off at Kirikiri Prison in Apapa for allegedly attacking her sister whom she brought from the village with hot water.

The teenager suffered her fate on a fateful day when she returned home without selling all the pawpaws Mrs Uzoma gave her to sell.

The 28-year old housewife who is also the women’s leader in her husband’s ministry at Shasha allegedly poured hot water on Chidinma Chukwu, causing her serious injury.

The incident happened at their home in Ifelodun St in Orisunmbare area of Shasha, Lagos.

Mr Uzoma accused 14-year-old Chindinma Chukwu of not selling all the pawpaws on the day of the attack.

According to Police investigations, Angela had warned the teenager not to come back home until all the pawpaws are sold.

Unfortunately, she did not sell everything and Angela became angry, accusing her of being too playful.

After pouring hot water on her, she tried to hide the injury instead by hiring a nurse to treat her at home but the matter came open to a good Samaritan who reported it immediately to the police. Angela was immediately arrested by the Police

In a confessional statement at the police station, Pastor Mrs Angela Uzoma said she poured the hot water on Chindinma accidentally, adding that she brought her from the village to train her and she was hawking pawpaw to assist the family to feed. “It is the devil’s work and I regret what happened. I want to settle this matter out of court,” she pleaded.

“When I heard of it, I blamed my wife and told her she went too far,” said Pastor Paul Uzoma, the husband of the accused.

Angela was arraigned yesterday but she pleaded not guilty. She was granted bail  in the sum of N50,000 with one surety in like sum.

The presiding judge has ordered her remanded in Kirikiri Prison in Apapa because she couldn’t pay her bail. Her case has been adjourned till Dec 12 for further hearing.

It’s pathetic how people blame the devil for everything.

Wishing Chidinma a quick recovery.

What Is Wrong With This Photo? [Can You See Me Edition]

Is that where you should look when talking to someone esp. lady? The guy just can't help himself.

Very Much Pregnant Anie Idibia Shares A Photo


Check Out Victoria Kimani's New Tatoos


SHOCKING PHOTOS: R. Kelly And Lady Gaga Having Sex On Stage?

On Nov. 16, American singer-songwriter Lady Gaga performed her single "Do What U Want" with R. Kelly on the NBC late night variety show 'Saturday Night Live'.
Not only was she the musical guest of the evening, but she also acted as the main host.
See more picz after the cut....

For the performance Gaga performed both the first verse and chorus alone on stage before R. Kelly came out to join her for the rest of the song. The rest of the performance was very sexual between the two singers with R. Kelly doing push-ups on top of Gaga, and him rubbing her bottom and after the performance the two embraced in a hug.

Following the raunchy performance, the wacky songstress tweeted: "What a spectacular time I had on @nbcsni Thanks Lorne, the cast, band @Rkelly @richysquirrel @MichaelBearden + my old buddy @briannewmanny."
While R. Kelly wrote: "Just killed Saturday Night Live with @ladygaga.. Epic night, one for the ages," alongside a picture of him giving her the fireman's lift.

What do you think of this raunchy performance?

Check Out Victoria Kimani's New Tatoos

I know its just a random tweet....may she is just trying to keep the relationship private,Because i dont believe

Very Much Pregnant Anie Idibia Shares A Photo


Fashola Has Banned Skating On Expressway.

The governor has banned children and others from skating on the highways, saying that anyone caught violating the order would be arrested and prosecuted according to the dictates of the law.

Uti Is Vexed......Opens Up About Fake Entertainers

He opened up about fake entertainers especially the new breed of entertainers..Read more tweets